
Pedagogical and technological innovation

The Division of pedagogical and technological innovation serves as an “incubator” to new projects, which are carried out following the principles of project management. Their origins may lie in education politics, the demand of the sector, the initiatives of the staff members or any national or international partner.

Innovation projects are carried out in partnership with teachers and educators of schools and other educational structures, any other entity of the ministry as well as the scientific world.

In order to efficiently improve the development of education quality, the identification, documentation and the spreading of best practice examples has proven to be of paramount importance alongside the networking between schools, for instance in the context of innovation days or pilot projects.

Coordination of initiatives and educational programs

The Division of the coordination of initiatives and educational programs aims to promote, coordinate and organize activities, projects, events and initiatives complementary to the school offer based on official programs. These projects can stem from the domain of the development of reading skills, of cultural skills, entrepreneurial skills, writing skills, digital skills, well-being and health as well as that of academic and professional orientation at schools and high schools.

The Division of the coordination of initiatives and educational programs puts a particular emphasis on its partnership with associations and institutions.  They are rooted in the domain of research and entrepreneurship, as well as the cultural and social world. 

Curriculum development

The Division of curriculum development assists the national commissions for elementary school and secondary school in their task of curriculum development and adaptation. In order to further institutionalize the process of curriculum development, this division coordinates the work of the national commissions, guarantees the implementation and supervises the coherence and consistency of the curriculum.

The division works in close connection with the various stakeholders contributing to guarantee the scientific framework of the curriculum development. It also works in collaboration with the recently installed National Curriculum Council.

Development of teaching materials

The Division of the development of teaching materials objective is to flank and support the processes of elaboration, editing and distribution of didactic material which is innovative, adapted to the national context and in coherence with the curriculum both on elementary and on secondary level. In order to guarantee a differentiated and efficient methodological approach, one needs to have access to material which is coherent and adequate and which caters to the needs of up-to-date learning. Digital society, increasing heterogeneity and mutation of the population and the labor market force our education to continuously revise and adapt all kinds of content in order to adapt them to the challenges posed by society and the needs of our youth.

This division conceptualizes and elaborates innovative didactic material with a communicative approach and playful elements in a multilingual learning environment from early age on. This material may be used in class as complementary tools to foster autonomous work or with the aim to facilitate differentiation. They might also easily be used with the aim to initiate recently immigrated students to languages.

The development of digital material, apps or learning platforms constitutes a main and constant objective of this division.

Data analysis

The Division of data analysis is commissioned to collect and analyse data on the quality of our educational offer through the means of the school report or in the context of a project. The results of the surveys can be consulted during the elaboration of a school development plan or before making decisions aiming to improve the school’s organization.

What’s more, this division organizes national and international standardized tests. The standardized tests elaborated by the Luxembourg Center for Educational Testing (University of Luxembourg) and the common tests are used as instruments of formative or summative evaluation or in the process of orientation of individual students. The international tests like the OECD’s PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), the IEA’s ICILS (International Computer and Literacy Study) generate results which help with the governance of our educational system.


  • 33, Rives de Clausen
    L-2165 Luxembourg
  • T. (+352) 247-85187
    Helpline : 8002 9090
  • Contact presse: Myriam Bamberg
    T. (+352) 247-85252